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Interested in researching our records? We offer limited reference assistance, or you may visit us in person. The archives is open for research Monday-Friday, 0900-1600 (except for Wednesdays and federal holidays), by appointment only. NOTE TO RESEARCHERS: The Naval History and Heritage Command takes the protection of classified, controlled unclassified, and personally identifiable information (PII) very seriously. All records must be screened for Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) exemptions and PII by staff before they can be accessed by researchers. Please be aware that this process may add some extra time to onsite research visits and you may be referred to submit a FOIA request.


The Colorado State Archives collects, preserves, and provides access to the State's historic and legal records as well as provides best practices and guidelines for the administration of government created records.

In select cases a review for the presence of information protected by the Atomic Energy Act may also be required. Researchers are strongly encouraged to make appointments at least one week in advance; this will enable our staff to conduct a thorough review of the requested material prior to their visit.

When used in the context of deliberate planning, the directed command will remove the referenced operation plan, operation plan in concept format, and any associated Joint Operation Planning and Execution System automated data processing files from its library of active plans. All material will be prepared for shipment to appropriate archive facilities in accordance with appropriate command directives. See also maintain; retain. Archive, Archives a collection of documents, esp.

A historical collection of written or printed material, nowadays including audio recordings and visual material. Polnaya tablica sinusov kosinusov i tangensov. Examples: archives of their ancient records, 1645; a living archive in that business, 1865; the universities, archives of all the errors of the age, 1878.