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Softube Bass Amp Room VST RTAS v1.0.2 TEAM AiR 2010 22 MB Getting a great bass sound in the project studio has always been a challenge of trade-offs. Using a DI will keep the volume manageable, but you need an amp and cabinet to get the sonic authority you need. Softube's Bass Amp Room gives you the best of both worlds the sound of authentic bass amp and cabinets in a volume-friendly package for your DAW. Developed by emulation experts at Softube for the UAD-2 hardware and the Apollo audio interface, Bass Amp Room gives you everything you need to create the bass sound you're after quickly, easily, and intuitively, without worrying about the volume or maintenance of a heavy bass amp and cabinet. A highly versatile amplifier model and three distinctive-sounding cabinets let you create a wide range of bass sounds, from clean and beefy to distorted and aggressive. Track bass directly through your Apollo interface with sub-2ms latency, or re-amplify your existing bass tracks to add space and punch. Stack multiple amp tones to create unique, one-of-a-kind sounds.
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