Latex Template For Conference Program Booklet

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Latex Template For Conference Program Booklet 3,0/5 1127 reviews

This is a sample conference booklet covering general conference information as well as several sections that will help women feel more welcome. Use as much or as little as you like. The original version was written by the Ada Initiative for the AdaCamp unconference.

This LaTeX template is provided by Overleaf (formerly writeLaTeX) and PeerJ to help make it easier for authors to submit to the PeerJ journals and pre-print server. The template contains examples of commonly used LaTeX commands and features to help you get started.


Years ago I created a conference programme manual with the help of LaTeX. Xvideoservicethief download multiple youtube videos simultaneously. We used a self-developed online tool for the different sessions, so I asked the developer to give me a list of all days, rooms, session and presentations. I fed this list into my own MySQL database and with the help of PHP generated a series of SQL statements querying the days, rooms, sessions, etc. I generated then the necessary LaTeX code and pasted this directly into the programme. The big advantage was that with any change in the original database I just had to rerun my scripts. If you are interested, have a look at the file.