Fn Browning M1922 Serial Numbers
Mar 24, 2011 - FN Model 1910/22 Serial Number Curios and Relics. 1922 as the Pistole 626(b) and had them made only in 7.65mm Browning (.32 ACP). Jul 30, 2013 - The serial numbers are hard to run down, but this is a pre-war gun made sometime before 1941 and valuable in that respect. A FN1910/1922.
Mrd, It would be nice to see the other side but based on what I see and the serial I'd say this was a contract pistol manufactured in the 1930's. Perhaps you have a slide that has been change? Does the serial on the slide match? Sometimes you'll see another serial on these contract pistols, usually in the 200,000 range. Pull back the slide and look underneath in the slide rails for a serial number. KerryL is right, these 1922 pistols are difficult to establish manufacturing dates especially with just a single side view.
But based on what I see (and the serial nr.) I'd say 1930-1939 manufacture for some government in Europe. FN sold to many countries and probably half the time used a separate serial range for these sales. If you find my answer helpful please 'click' on the green 'Applaud' or 'Thumbs up' Rating to the left.
KerryL, Good question. It is difficult on these pistols with few or no markings but the big indicator for me is the [A] on the trigger guard and the 17-serration count. Both of these together, even without the bevel on the lug, indicated 1930-1940 manufacturing. I usually key on the trigger guard letter/numbers/icons for date of manufacture clues if the serial number isn't a good indicator. The lack of a serif or the inclusion of a dash is something I've seen before.
Remember FN had three pieces of equipment applying the slide scrolls at times and they were rarely set identically. And I agree the refinish is awhile ago which certainly has dropped the value deep below $300 down to that $150 - $200 range. Sorry about that, mrdarkhorse.
Whatsapp sniffer download for free. Check out page 85 on Anthony Vanderlinden's latest FN book. And mrdarkhorse thanks for the extra pictures. I appreciate the serial number on the slide. While there is little information on who this pistol was built for it certainly seems to me a contract pistol as his has its own serial range for the period based on the details. Of course this is just my opinion. If you find my answer helpful please 'click' on the green 'Applaud' or 'Thumbs up' Rating to the left. Dan, Funny, I never noticed the dates assigned to the inspection markings on page 85.
On page 196 they show a post-war m1910 slide address stamp that matches the info on page 222 for the m1922. I've always looked to date 1922/1910's from the address stamp if I couldn't figure it out from the serial number or contract/Nazi markings. I also believe the serial numbers started again for this model post-war. I just saw (almost bought) an early 1950's 'Occupied Berlin' 1922 marked with the Berlin star and the letter A indicating it was assigned to the American Sector the other day. It's serial number was 189,000ish.
Unfortunately, it had the slide milled out to provide a 'loaded chamber indicator' prior to import, so even though it looked like it had never been fired, I let it go. Where do you see info clarifying the number of slide serrations. I never knew you could assign a date-period by the serrations. Does the same hold true for the m1910? KerryL (and mrdarkhorse), I quite unhappily add to this post as I now look like much more than an idiot.
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But I have come around to see that this pistol may actually be a very early post-war pistol. The [6] in the slide rail and the potential for the [A] along with the dash between the HERSTAL and BELGIQUE could all add up to 1946 production. Sorry about this, KerryL. You very likely called this correctly. The early return to production after the war was a time when production methods and employees were trying to return to a normal manufacturing environment while rebuilding the factory. Using prewar and wartime and now postwar parts without a fully skilled staff did create for a variety of inspectors marks. I feel quite the horse's **** over my insistence on this being a prewar 1930's production.
While it may be a prewar frame with a postwar slide it is very likely a 1946 pistol from a variety of parts, probably all postwar. Dan and all, I am looking at a model 1922 with pre-war markings and the very same grips as in this gun. Serial number close: 29,448. I believe the grips are a second variation grip that replaced the plastic monogrammed grips prior. No Waffenamts or any other marks suggesting Army or contract distribution or acceptance.