Estey Organ Serial Numbers

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Estey Organ Serial Numbers 3,7/5 1304 reviews

Welcome to Estey Piano Online Tools: Piano Age Calculator Age Calculator Step 1: Locate the serial number, usually found on the plate of the piano between the bass and tenor strings. It can also be found on the top of the piano when you open the lid. You are looking for a number like those shown here. Step 2: and find the age of your piano based on its manufacturer and serial number. Estey Piano is also your source for Piano Sales, New Pianos, Used Pianos, Piano Restoration, Piano Rebuilding, Piano Refinishing, Piano Repair and more. Need a tuner?

Of the 653 pump organs companies that were in business in this country, most of them (though not all) placed their organs' serial numbers in one of two areas, and both of them are found on the organ's back frame work, or paneling. Age Calculator. Step 1: Locate the serial number, usually found on the plate of the piano between the bass and tenor strings. It can also be found on the top of the piano when you open the lid. You are looking for a number like those shown here.

We are your nationwide source for piano tuning. For more information, or © 2008 David Estey Piano Service. All rights reserved. Website by graphic design, image, brand identity.

Once you know the name brand of your piano, you will need to find the serial number. Step 1: The serial number is usually found on the plate of the piano between the bass and tenor strings.


It can also be found on the top of the piano when you open the lid on Upright Pianos. You are looking for a number like those shown here. Serial Numbers on Upright Pianos Serial Numbers on Grand Pianos These are usually found on the “Plate” near the tuning pins between the bass and tenor sections as shown below.

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