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Worldwide sales by car manufacturers will increase by 2.2% to 87.3 million passenger cars in 2018. Call of duty black ops 2 uprising dlc ps3 download. Growth in the global automotive market will thus continue to slow down, although the global economy will grow at a faster rate of 3.7% in 2018 than in previous years, according to the latest forecasts of the OECD (Economic Outlook, Nov. The reasons for the divergent growth rates between the global economy (gross national product GDP) and the global automotive market are largely due to regional factors. New vehicles and product innovations will not trigger any extraordinary increases in demand on the global automotive market in 2018. In addition, a “manageable” range of Euro 6d diesel models is slowing Europe down. Today’s Euro 6 models are loaded with high NOx emissions during normal operation and are therefore left out of the equation by buyers in 2018. Once again, German premium manufacturers are stronger developing than the world market.
Worldwide sales of Audi, BMW, Mercedes and Porsche are estimated to increase by 4.5% in 2018, while the global passenger car market will only grow by 2.2%. The Center of Automotive Management (CAM) at the University of Applied Sciences in Bergisch Gladbach (FHDW) regularly analyses the sales developments and trends in the field of electro mobility in key automotive markets as well as innovations of car manufacturers. Since 2005, the CAM examines sales trends and overall conditions in relevant countries as well as technological innovations of more than 30 car groups. Over 10,000 innovations are currently inventoried in the CAM “Inno-database”. Each individual innovation is systematically evaluated and weighted according to the M.O.B.IL approach (maturity level, originality, benefit for customer, innovation level). The innovation strength of an automobile manufacturer is calculated from the sum of the weighted innovations. The following report presents the results of a CAM study that analysed the current market trends and product strategies of global automakers in the period from January to December 2017.
Current trends in automotive interior design and manufacturing have prompted a need for versatile material solutions that will help meet high consumer expectations for quality and innovation. Details like color, surface appearance, and tactile qualities can help manufacturers win over the consumer. And TPEs can help them achieve these differentiating features in their designs.
Known for their flexibility, durability, abrasion and scratch resistance, and even UV-stable properties, TPEs are a perfect fit for automotive interiors. The worldwide cables and connectors market is expected to reach USD 125.3 billion by 2022, registering a CAGR of 11.1% from 2016 – 2022*. In this huge globalised market the medium-sized, family run connection technology manufacturer Conta-Clip Verbindungstechnik offers clever and innovative technology solutions for a broad range of applications. The latest addition to the portfolio is KDSClick, an extremely flexible cable entry system that comprises inlays and various seal elements manufactured using TPEs from Kraiburg TPE. The Bavarian TPE specialist developed halogen-free flame retardant materials in accordance with UL94 and with VO rating. Conair Group has teamed up with Davis Standard and Zumbach Electronics to coextrude a thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU) catheter tube at the MD&M West 2018 trade show (6 – 8 February 2018, Anaheim, CA, USA), demonstrating how active pharmaceutical ingredients (API) can be incorporated in a thin layer on the outside of the TPU tube.